Club Mission & Purpose:
To offer middle school students an opportunity to understand how JROTC works in high school.
Financial Responsibility: None
Sponsor:  Colonel Eric VOgt, USAF (Retired)
(423) 378-8578
More Information:
What is this:  This is a Junior ROTC club to help middle schoolers interested in JROTC for high school.  It is also a way for middle schoolers to gain valuable leadership skills.
What we will be learning:  In JROTC club we will be teaching the students how to march in a formation, how to present the American flag, the civilian chain of command.  We will also teach them some aerospace science.
Who will be teaching:  The JROTC high school students will be teaching the middle school students with supervision of a JROTC instructor.
This does not mean that your child will have to join the military.  This is simply a club that will show what JROTC is like, so that your child will know if it is something they may be interested in during high school.