Counseling Department » Counseling Office Procedures

Counseling Office Procedures

Procedure for obtaining make up work at RNR

  • Student MUST be absent for 2 consecutive school days.
  • On 2nd day of absence, a parent/guardian can call the Counseling Office 378-2206 and request the make up work. Work will be available for pick up in the Counseling Office after 2:30 pm.
  • Have student check his or her classes' Canvas and Google Classroom pages for work
  • Counseling Office staff are not permitted to obtain items from a student's locker. If a student needs materials from his or her locker, the parent/guardian must have the locker number and lock combination and retrieve those items.
Procedure for Schedule Changes
Schedules will be changed for the following reasons without approval of an administrator:
  • Student has a course on his/her schedule they have already taken this academic year (except for Wellness).
  • Student has a class on his or her schedule for which he/she did not meet the prerequisite.
All other reasons require the approval of an administrator.
Withdrawal from Robinson Middle School
  • Student will report to counseling office to obtain a withdrawal form.
  • Student must check out with each academic teacher, related arts teacher, technology, cafeteria, clinic, library and extra-curricular activity coach/sponsor.
  • Parent/Guardian must physically come to counseling office and sign the withdrawal form and pay any obligations.