Volleyball Won the Conference tournament placing them in first place for the Area Tournament happening this week at Sevier Middle School. First game tonight 6pm
Don’t forget that this week is Science Olympiad Time at Robinson Middle School! If you are interested in trying out for the team, please make plans to stay after school one day this week. The exam usually takes about 60 minutes. You can come to either Room 119- that’s Ms. Buck’s room OR Room 109 - that’s Mr. Way’s room. Please be sure to bring your laptop with you!
Just a reminder that 6th and 7th grade girls basketball tryouts will begin tomorrow and run through Thursday from 3:00-5:00 pm.
Wrestling sign-ups and a brief meeting will be this Friday, September 30th, after school, from 2:55-3:15pm, in Mr. Bass' classroom.
Remember that 6th grade JV boys basketball tryouts will be this afternoon from 6:00-7:00pm. 7th grade tryouts will be tomorrow from 6:00-7:30 pm. Both tryouts will be in the main gym.
Have you seen the posters on the wall? It happens this Wednesday morning before school. #SYATP. Do you wonder what that means? If you read the posters on the walls they explain that this means See You At The Pole. This event is being sponsored by the FCA and it will be occurring this Wednesday morning before school near the flagpole in front of Robinson. We hope you will join us!
Attention Students: Jr. ROTC will meet this Wednesday from 3:00-4:00 pm in Mr. Smith’s room.